Coping with the Diagnosis of Cancer
Learning that you or someone you love has cancer can make you feel that your world is being turned upside down. Everything in life may suddenly feel out of control. This is because you didn't choose cancer. Your first thoughts may be, "How could this have happened to me?" and "How will I get through this?" A cancer diagnosis is shocking and overwhelming. But there are people and resources that can help you.
Coping with the diagnosis
Some practical things that you can do to help during this time include:
Learn as much as possible about your disease.Arm yourself with information to lessen your frustration and get the best results. Ask any questions you have about your disease. Keep a notebook or folder with all of your medical records and information about your diagnosis. It may also help to bring a family member or a trusted friend along with you to appointments. They can help you remember information and ask questions.
Keep a journal of your feelings and the impact on your life.This is a safe place for you to process things. And as time goes on, you may want to look back.
Learn about your health insurance benefits.This will help you understand what expenses will be covered.
Keep doing at least some of your normal, daily activities.You will still have things, such as grocery shopping, laundry, and going through the mail, or hobbies, to do on a daily or weekly basis. Having some of these regular activities will help you cope and feel more in control. But ask for help from others when needed. Make time for things that you still enjoy doing.
Take care of your family relationships.It's important to spend time with your family, friends, and spouse. It's healthy to have fun together. Relieving stress and strengthening family relationships will allow you to cope better with your disease.
Get support.Use support groups in your area, as well as national support groups and their resources. Support groups are also available online. Find out about supportive services available at the hospital, such as social workers or meeting with other families. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Each family's need for support is different. Friends and family members will often ask, "Is there anything I can do to help?" Think about saying "yes" to this question. Ask them to pick up your groceries, help with the laundry or housecleaning, pick up your children from their after-school activities, or make dinner. Giving a friend or family member something to do will help them feel like they are helping.
Stay out of emotionally draining situations.Sometimes, well-meaning friends and family members will say the worst possible thing at the time of a cancer diagnosis. They truly want to help or be supportive, but sometimes don't know how to respond. Their words may hurt you or disappoint you, even though that wasn't their intention. People won't know what your needs are unless you tell them. Sometimes it's simply easier to be direct and tell someone, "I would just like you to sit quietly with me and keep me company," or "I need to spend some time alone right now." Don't be afraid to express your needs during this time. Other people may want to talk to you about their experiences with cancer. They may believe that they are being helpful. Instead they may be making your situation feel even more overwhelming. It's important for you to avoid these discussions if they aren't helping you. It's healthy to ask for what you need, as well as what you don't need, during this time.
Share what you have learned.You will have important knowledge and skills that you learn as you go through your illness. You could help others and their families by sharing your experiences in a support group or other setting.
Helping children and teens cope with cancer
Below is a list of things parents or caregivers can do for a child with cancer or their sibling. These may help a person cope with their feelings, depending on the age of the child with cancer and the age of the siblings:
Babies and very young children (birth to 3 years old)
Toddlers, preschool (3 to 5 years old)
School-aged children (6 to 12 years old)
Teens (13 to 18 years old)
For teens with cancer:
Giving information on normal emotional reactions to a cancer diagnosis
Encouraging teen to express their feelings to someone: parents, family, or friends
Tolerating any reluctance to communicate thoughts and feelings
Encouraging journal keeping
Providing repeated reassurance that they aren't responsible for causing the cancer
Being included in all discussions with parents about diagnosis and treatment planning
Being encouraged to ask questions (parents should listen for unasked questions)
Addressing concerns about "Why me?"
Permitting private time for interaction with team professionals
Offering assurance that parents and family members will be able to manage crisis
Encouraging sharing news of diagnosis with peers, friends, and classmates
Arranging for visits of siblings and friends
Helping with contacting other teen patients, if desired
For siblings:
Including teen in events around diagnosis
Reassuring them that cancer is not contagious
Offering assurance that nothing they did or said caused the cancer
Giving detailed information on diagnosis and treatment plan
Answering all questions honestly
Arranging access to treatment team, if desired
Discussing spiritual issues related to diagnosis
Encouraging expression of feelings
Arranging for management of daily life at home
Providing assurance that family will be able to handle crisis
Telling teachers and coaches about family situation
Encouraging normal involvement in school and other activities
Asking relative or friend to take a special interest in each teen sibling
The different members of the cancer team can help you and your family, as needed. Don't be afraid to ask for help.
Online Medical Reviewer:
Jessica Gotwals RN BSN MPH Online Medical Reviewer:
Sabrina Felson MD Online Medical Reviewer:
Todd Gersten MD Date Last Reviewed:
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