
Diabetes Quiz
More than 18 million Americans have been diagnosed with diabetes and more than 5 million more have diabetes but don't realize it, according to the CDC. Yet diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.

Diabetes: Test Your Knowledge
If you have diabetes, keeping your condition under control early on will help you avoid complications that may come up later. This multiple-choice quiz will help you with important answers now.

Prediabetes Quiz
Take this quiz to find out how to decrease your risk of developing diabetes.

Foot Health Quiz
Most people would agree that it's no small problem when their feet ache. Yet foot problems and chronic pain often go ignored. Learning about foot care can help you recognize when to see a doctor for treatment.

Blood Pressure Quiz
Do you know your risk factors for high blood pressure? You can’t do anything about some risk factors. But other risk factors can be changed. Learn about the risk factors for high blood pressure by taking this quiz.

Dietary Fiber Quiz
You hear a lot about fiber and why you need it. But what is it? Learn more about this important part of your diet by taking this quiz.

Trans Fat Facts and Fiction
Think all fats are alike? Think again. Take this quiz to learn about trans fats and their impact on your health.

Medicine Interaction Quiz
True or false: An interaction between alcohol and a medicine can lead to extreme drowsiness and other effects. Do you know the answer to this and other questions about medicine interaction?

Medicine Safety Quiz
Learn how to better manage your medicines by taking this quiz.

Adult Immunizations Quiz
True or false: Polio vaccines should be kept up-to-date throughout your lifetime.

Pneumonia Vaccine Quiz
Bacterial pneumonia kills thousands of older Americans each year. Yet there is a vaccine that offers protection against this deadly illness. How much do you know about pneumonia and the vaccine?

Doctor-Patient Communication Quiz
Your doctor can't give you the best care if you don't say what's really going on. This true-false quiz will help you prepare for your next visit.

Obesity Basics: What Is It? How Is It Treated?
There is an epidemic of obesity in this country, health experts say. But what is obesity? How is it measured?

Diabetic Peripheral Neuropathy Quiz
Peripheral neuropathy is a term that refers to temporary or permanent damage to the peripheral nerves – the nerves that carry information to and from the brain and spinal cord to the rest of the body. This damage is one of the most common complications of diabetes.