Understanding Compulsive Overeating
People who chronically overeat may have a common eating disorder called a compulsive overeating. It is also known as binge eating.
This eating disorder is marked by:
Eating large amounts of food
Eating quickly (often to the point of discomfort)
Eating when no longer hungry
Many people have a food binge now and then. But a compulsive overeater averages binging 2 times a week for at least 6 months.
Slow start
Compulsive overeating may start slowly. For example, a child may turn to food when they are upset. Over time, the child learns that food helps soothe upset feelings.
The disorder may occur when others make repeated negative comments about a person's weight. It may occur after a traumatic event in childhood, or after restrictive dieting. A person's home environment also can play a role. For example, a person’s parents may have been too controlling or were not present. A person may not have had good role models for eating.
Compulsions often follow obsessions, which reduce anxiety. So obsessive thoughts of low self-worth, being overweight, or dieting can set off the compulsion to eat.
The more weight a person gains, the harder the person may try to diet. Dieting is often what leads to the next binge.
People who eat compulsively often do it alone. They often are reluctant to talk about their eating problems.
If you or someone you know has a few of these symptoms and behaviors of binge eating, talk with a healthcare provider:
Eating a little in public and a lot in private
Negative feelings about yourself based on weight
Depression after overeating
Feeling tormented by eating habits
Going on and off many diets
Binge eating
Compulsive overeating can’t always be prevented. This is even more likely when the condition has roots in childhood. But these suggestions can help:
Don't go on restrictive diets.They can easily lead to feelings of deprivation. These feelings result in binge eating.
Check your body image.Talk with a dietitian, nutritionist, or psychologist if you have a negative body image.
Know when you eat for comfort.If you feel depressed, angry, or anxious, talk with your healthcare provider.
Be mindful of your response to social media.Social media posts can create unrealistic expectations that result in feelings of anxiety and depression. These reactions can set off a binge.
Different approaches to help people with this disorder include:
Healthy life choices and skills are the goals in overcoming compulsive overeating.