Flush the feeding tube with warm water and a clean the syringe before the first daily feeding, after the last daily feeding, and other times as instructed. Follow the steps below:
Fill a clean bowl with warm water.
Put the tip of the syringe in the water.
Draw up 15 to 30
cc (mL) of water. Follow your provider's specific instructions. The exact amount of water to use will vary depending on your age, condition, and situation.
Turn off the pump.
Close the clamp on the feeding bag tubing.
Remove the tubing from the port.
Put the tip of the syringe in the feeding port.
Plug-in port. If you have a plug-in feeding tube port, push the tip of the syringe into the feeding tube port.
Twist-on port. If you have a twist-on feeding tube port, screw the syringe tip onto your feeding port.
Push the plunger down.
Let the water run through the feeding tube.
Start the feeding or close the cap on the feeding port.
Tape the tube to the skin with medical tape.