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The Growing Child: Preschool (4 to 5 Years)
Children progress at different rates. They have different interests, abilities, and personalities. But there are some common milestones most children reach from ages 4 to 5.
What can my child do at these ages?
As your child grows, you’ll notice them developing new and exciting abilities.
A child age 4:
Serves their own food or pours water, with adult supervision
Catches a large ball
Holds crayon or pencil between fingers and thumb (not a fist)
Unbuttons some buttons
Understands the difference between fantasy and reality
Draws a person with three or more body parts
A child age 5:
Sings, dances, or acts
Hops on one foot
Buttons some buttons
Dresses themselves
Writes some letters in their name
Names some letters when you point to them
May start to learn to ride a bicycle with training wheels
What can my child say?
Speech development in children is very exciting for parents. They can watch their children become social beings who can interact with others.
Most children at age 4:
May put 4 or more words together into a sentence
Says some words from a song, story, or nursery rhyme
Will answer simple questions like “What is a marker for?”
Knows a few colors
Talks about at least one thing that happened during the day, like “I played soccer.”
A child age 5:
May put 6 to 8 words together into a sentence
May know 4 or more colors
Counts to 10
Uses or recognizes simple rhymes (bat-cat, ball-tall)
Tells a story they heard or made up with at least 2 events. For example, a cat was stuck in a tree and a firefighter saved it.
Answers simple questions about a book or story after you read or tell it to them
Keeps a conversation going with more than 3 back-and-forth exchanges
What does my child understand?
As a child's vocabulary gets larger, so does their understanding of the world around them. Children at this age begin to understand concepts and can compare abstract ideas.
A child age 4:
Begins to understand time
Begins to become more aware of people around them
May obey parent's rules, but doesn’t understand right from wrong
A child age 5:
Has more understanding of time. Uses words about time, like “yesterday,” “tomorrow,” “morning,” or “night.”
Is curious about real facts about the world
How will my child interact with others?
An important part of growing up is learning to interact and socialize with others. This can be a frustrating transition for the parent. Children go through different stages. Some of these are not always easy to handle.
A child age 4:
Is very independent, wants to do things on their own
Doesn’t like to share
Is moody. Mood swings are common.
May be aggressive during mood swings and become aggressive to family members
Has many fears
May have imaginary friends
Likes to explore the body and may play doctor
Might "run away" or threaten to do so
Fights with siblings
Will often play with others in groups
A child age 5:
Is generally more cooperative than a 4-year-old
Is generally more responsible than a 4-year-old
Is eager to please others and make them happy
Has good manners
Dresses themselves completely without help
Gets along well with parents
Likes to cook and play sports
May become more attached to a parent as they start attending school
How can I encourage my child's social abilities?
You can help boost your preschool child's social abilities by:
Offering compliments for good behavior and achievements
Encouraging your child to talk to you and be open with their feelings
Reading to your child, singing songs, and talking with them
Spending quality time with your child and showing them new experiences
Encouraging your child to ask questions and explore
Encouraging physical activity with supervision
Arranging times for your child to be with other children, such as in playgroups
Giving your child the chance to make choices, when appropriate
Using time-out for behavior that isn’t acceptable
Encouraging your child to express their anger in an appropriate manner
Limiting TV time (or other screen time) to 1 to 2 hours a day. Encourage free time to be used for other activities.
Online Medical Reviewer:
Dan Brennan MD Online Medical Reviewer:
Liora C Adler MD Online Medical Reviewer:
Stacey Wojcik MBA BSN RN Date Last Reviewed:
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