You just had orthognathic surgery. This is treatment that reshapes the jaws to improve their form and function. Your job now is to keep yourself comfortable and help your body heal quickly. Make sure to get plenty of calories and protein. Get up and move around, but don't do any strenuous activity. Make sure to get lots of rest. Keep your mouth and teeth clean to help the cuts (incisions) heal.
Nutrition and fluids
You will need to get enough nutrition, which may be harder while you’re not able to chew. Follow the discharge instructions carefully. Contact your provider right away if you have any problems eating or drinking.
If your jaw was wired shut, you will have challenges eating. A wired jaw can lead to poor nutrition, weight loss, and poor oral hygiene, If it was wired shut because of an injury, your body will need more energy and nutrition to heal. Ask your provider for advice on managing eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. You may need a liquid diet or non-chewing diet until the teeth are released and some healing has occurred. Your jaw wired may last for several weeks.
You also need fluids to help prevent dehydration and nausea. Before adding anything to your diet, ask your provider. For calories, protein, and fluids, try total-nutrition drinks, protein powders, soups, milkshakes, and other blended foods. Don’t use a straw. The suction can stress the incisions in your mouth. Instead, use a glass or a sippy cup designed for young children. Once you can chew again, eat soft foods that can be cut with a spoon or fork. As you heal, you’ll slowly return to your normal eating habits.
When to call your surgeon
If you have any of the following problems, call your surgeon:
Severe bleeding
Pain that can’t be controlled
Nausea or vomiting that can’t be controlled
Swelling that keeps getting worse after 3 to 4
Trouble with breathing or swallowing
A fever of 100.4
°F ( 38
°C) or higher, or as advised
Go to the emergency department or call 911
if your healthcare provider’s office is closed.