Your Health and Wellness Matters
AultCaring Conversations

AultCaring Conversations Podcast

For 39 years, AultCare has provided quality healthcare plans at an affordable cost to the community it serves. Through the use of innovative plan designs, superior customer service, and a high-quality network, AultCare remains committed to providing affordable healthcare options. AultCare is part of the Aultman Health Foundation, servicing Stark and surrounding counties with their healthcare needs.

Now, we're excited to bring you a podcast based on those same foundations!

AultCaring Conversations is a bi-weekly podcast highlighting important health and wellness topics benefiting our members and community. 

Bi-Weekly Episodes

Season 3

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 21- 2024 recap with Tracy Dawn Brewer

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 20- Teen Vaping with Bruce Joseph

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 19 - Self-care during the holidays with Jayna Lennington and Tori Hargett

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 18 - Maria Daisher, Tyler Barney and Joy Benjamin with the Health and Wellness Centers

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 17 - Aultman Cancer Screenings with Julie Miller

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 16 - Aultman Lab Services with Julie Girton, Rachel Milam and Tiffany Davis

AultCaring Conversations -Episode 15 with Nick Napolitan - Aultman Therapy

AultCaring Conversations -Episode 14 with Anne Taylor and Tony Carpenter- Aultman Imaging Services: Education, Careers and Providers

AultCaring Conversations -Episode 13 with Madelyn Sweeney- Wishes Can Happen

AultCaring Conversations -Episode 12 with Allison Lipely- Smoking Cessation

AultCaring Conversations -Episode 11 with Natalie Raber- Advance Directives

AultCaring Conversations -Episode 10 with Joey Compton- Aultman Serenity Program

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 9 with Tyler Barney - Mindset

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 8 with Angie Eaton- Aultman Woodlawn and Inpatient Rehab

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 7 with Joy Burch- Aultman Generations Program

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 6 with Dr. Jean Paddock and Dr. Hope Badawy - Total Solar Eclipse

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 5 with Tracy Dawn Brewer- Member Resources

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 4 with Valerie Weber - American Heart Association

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 3 with Kim Kroh - American Red Cross

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 2 with Liz Heiser and Sherin Thurman - WOW

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 1 with Tracy Dawn Brewer- AultCaring in the Community

Season 2

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 23 with Tracy Dawn Brewer - 2023 recap and looking forward to 2024

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 22 with Mike Novelli and Kevin Harvey and Marketplace Health Plans

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 21 with Colleen Barrickman - Healthy Holiday Tips

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 20 with Julie Steiner - Holiday Blues

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 19 with Dr. Sabrina Shilad - Breast Cancer Awareness Month

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 18 with Dr. Carrie Meyer with Amplifon - Audiology Awareness Month

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 17 with Dr. Wymyslo, Jeannie Archinal and Stacy Creaturo - Falls and Osteoporosis

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 16 with Erin Domenico - Cold & Flu Season

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 15 with Colleen Barrickman - Farmers Markets

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 14 with Mike Lauber - Tusco Manufacturing and AultCare Wellness Employer Program

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 13 with Joy Benjamin - Menopause

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 12 with Alisha Davidson - PRIDE Month

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 11 with Michael Furcolo and Lauren Berbari - MEWA

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 10 with Andrea Beard, BSN, RN - Stroke Awareness

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 9 with Dr. Whetstine - Advanced Directives

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 8 with Denette Edwards - AultComp MCO

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 7 with Jacki Middaugh - Lyme Disease

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 6 with Brenda, Brooke and Crystal- Primary Care Connection Team

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 5 with Laura O'Donnell- Aultman Health Foundation Careers

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 4 with Cameron Casimir- Exercise as Medicine for Heart Health

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 3 with Cindie Berbari, RN BSN - Heart Disease

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 2 with Bruce Joseph and Emily Wilson - Tobacco Cessation

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 1 with Gina K. and Joy Benjamin - A Personal Health Journey

Season 1

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 24 with Abbey Murphy - Let's Review-our first season

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 23 with Lori Edmunds - Habits

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 22 with Dr. Stephen Lopez - Plastic/Reconstructive Surgery

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 21 with Mike Novelli and Kevin Harvey - Marketplace

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 20 with Ronda Langenfeld - Life's Essential 8 - Cardiovascular Health

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 19 with Rhiannon Nicholas - S.A.D. Seasonal Affective Disorder

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 18 with Mechelle Metzgar - Diabetes Education

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 17 with Jeannie Archinal - Her Cancer Journey

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 16 with Tyler Barney - The Power of One

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 15 with Liesa Conversino - Situational Grief

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 14 with Dr. Barrick - Skin Health

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 13 with Dr. Johnson - Better Sleep

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 12 with Bruce Joseph - Men's Health and Prostate Cancer -his personal journey

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 11 with Dr. Edmund Wymyslo - AultCare's Chief Medical Director

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 10 with Dr. Jean Paddock - Aultman College

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 9 with Jeff Kistler - Pharmacy Services

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 8 with Abbey Murphy - AultCare Wellness

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 7 with Rhiannon Nicholas - Mental Health

AultCaring Conversations- Episode 6 with Kayla Heath - Grievances and Appeals

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 5 - Mike Novelli - 5-Star Rated PrimeTime Health Plan

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 4 - David Bratton - Health Insurance 101

AultCaring Conversations - Special Episode 3.1 - Monika Yadrnak & Scott Mastran - Utilization Management

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 3 - Lisa Johnson & Nakia Knight - Healthcare Disparities in our Black and Brown Community

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 2 - Joy Benjamin & Julie Steiner -Health Resolutions

AultCaring Conversations - Episode 1 - Abbey Murphy - Introducing our new Podcast



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24-Hour Nurse Line:

Compliance/FWA Hotline:

1-866-307-3528 or online

Customer Service Hours:
Monday - Friday
7:30 am - 5:00 pm EST

Mailing Address:
2600 Sixth St S.W.
Canton, OH 44710

IRS Form 1095-B

AultCare Insurance Company will not be automatically mailing 2024 Form 1095-B or 1095-Cs to members (1095-Cs must be obtained from your employer). However, upon request, any applicable members can have their 2024 Form 1095-B.

To receive your 2024 IRS Form 1095-B, submit the request via our CONTACT US on our website or send the request to:
AultCare Insurance Company
2600 Sixth ST SW
Canton, OH 44710

You can also call us at 330-363-6360 or 800-344-8858 with any questions. Your request will be furnished within 30 days of receipt.

Non-discrimination Notice

AultCare/Aultra complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or sex. AultCare/Aultra does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex. AultCare/Aultra provides free aids and services to people with disabilities to communicate effectively with us, such as: Qualified sign language interpreters and written information in other formats (large print, audio, accessible electronic formats, other formats). AultCare/Aultra provides free language services to people whose primary language is not English, such as: Qualified interpreters and information written in other languages.If you need these services, or if you believe that AultCare/Aultra has failed to provide these services or discriminated in another way on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, or sex, you can contact or file a grievance with the: AultCare/Aultra Civil Rights Coordinator, 2600 6th St. S.W. Canton, OH 44710, 330-363-7456 , . You can file a grievance in person or by mail, fax, or email. If you need help filing a grievance, our Civil Rights staff is available to help you.You can also file a civil rights complaint with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Civil Rights electronically through the Office for Civil Rights Complaint Portal, available at , or by mail or phone at: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 200 Independence Avenue, SW Room 509F, HHH Building Washington, D.C. 20201 1-800-368-1019 , 800-537-7697 (TDD). Complaint forms are available at

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