A sleep study is most often done on an outpatient basis at night. Procedures may vary based on your condition and your health care provider's practices.
You will need to remove any jewelry or other objects that may interfere with the procedure.
You will change into pajamas or a hospital gown.
The health care team will put small metal disks (electrodes) on your head and body for EEG, ECG, EOG, and EMG cables. Tell your provider if you have any allergies to adhesives.
The team will put a small clip on your finger to measure the oxygen level (pulse oximetry) in your blood. The team will also check your breathing.
The temperature of the room may need to be kept at a certain level, but blankets can be added or removed as needed.
Lights will be turned off and monitoring will start before you fall asleep.
For MSLT, short naps will be assigned at intervals.
For MWT, you will be asked to try to stay awake for certain periods.
When the study is done, the electrodes and other devices will be removed.