Recommended intake
Vitamin D is measured in micrograms (mcg). One international unit equals 0.025 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin D. The RDA is the recommended dietary allowance.
* Adequate Intake
Adults can meet the RDA for vitamin D without supplements. You can do this by exposing your face, hands, arms, or back, without sunscreen, to the sun for 10 to 15 minutes at least 2 times a week. Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding may need to take supplements. Talk to your healthcare provider first. If you are breastfeeding, ask your healthcare provider if your baby should get vitamin D supplements.
People who are found to be deficient in vitamin D or have low levels of vitamin D (vitamin D insufficiency) should take higher doses of vitamin D. If you are found to have vitamin D insufficiency or deficiency, your healthcare provider will determine the correct supplement and dosage for you.
You can also get vitamin D through your diet. These foods contain vitamin D:
Vitamin D is stable in heat. It doesn’t need to be refrigerated. It’s only slightly sensitive to light.
Freezing foods high in vitamin D content doesn’t reduce their vitamin D content. This includes foods, such as frozen salmon or mackerel. Vitamin D content stays high even when foods are cooked.
People over the age of 50 may be at increased risk of vitamin D deficiency. As people age, skin can’t make vitamin D as well. And the kidneys are less able to turn vitamin D into its active hormone form. For these reasons, older adults may need vitamin D supplements.
Melanin is the pigment that gives skin its color. It can reduce the skin’s ability to make vitamin D. People with darker skin are less able to make vitamin D from sunlight. They need to get vitamin D from foods or supplements.
More vitamin D is needed by those who live in subpolar and polar regions. This is because long winter nights reduce sun exposure.
Low vitamin D levels are common in people who are lactose intolerance or have an allergy milk, as well as those that consume a vegan or ovo-vegetarian diet.
Other people at risk for low vitamin D are people who are homebound, women who often wear long robes and head coverings, and people with jobs that limit sun exposure.
People who have a malabsorption syndrome may need more vitamin D. This is often the case if a person has a lot of fat loss through stool (steatorrhea). This includes people with any of these:
Other things that can cause vitamin D deficiency include:
Liver diseases, such as cirrhosis
Kidney failure
Eating a lot of foods that have the fat substitute olestra
Chronic intake of mineral oil
When a baby or child doesn’t get enough vitamin D, their bones don’t grow normally. This leads to nutritional rickets, the most common cause of rickets. It rarely occurs in tropical areas. But rickets was common in children in northern cities of the U.S. and in African-American children until milk was fortified with vitamin D. Low levels of vitamin D in babies can also lead to soft skull (craniotabes).
Low levels of vitamin D in an adult can lead to loss of calcium and the softening of bones (osteomalacia). It can also lead to thinning of the bones (osteoporosis).
Older adults are at increased risk for vitamin D insufficiency. This is because older skin can't make vitamin D as well. Older adults also spend more time indoors, away from sunlight. And they may have diets low in vitamin D.
Signs and symptoms of rickets include:
Delayed closure of the soft spot (anterior fontanel). It may take until after the second year of life.
A larger than normal head (macrocephaly)
Defects in the enamel of forming teeth
Knobby growths at the points where the ribs join the sternum (rachitic rosary)
Thickening of the ankles and wrists
Curvature of the spine (lordosis or scoliosis)
Bowing of the legs
Greenstick bone fractures
Muscle weakness
Delayed motor development
Some of the symptoms of osteomalacia include:
Some of the symptoms of osteoporosis include:
Side effects, toxicity, and interactions
Vitamin D in large amounts is toxic. Symptoms in children and adults often occur after several months of heavy use. They include:
Decreased muscle tone (hypotonia)
Joint pain
Being thirstier than normal
Making more urine than normal
Loss of appetite
High blood pressure (hypertension)
Too much vitamin D can also damage the valves in the heart and the kidneys. This is due to calcium building up in these organs.
You shouldn’t take vitamin D if you have any of these:
Too much calcium in the blood (hypercalcemia)
Signs of vitamin D toxicity
Hypervitaminosis D
Increased sensitivity to the effects of vitamin D
Lowered kidney function
Use vitamin D with caution if you have any of these:
Kidney problems
Heart problems
Vitamin D can interact with certain medicines. Talk with your healthcare provider if you take any of these:
Antacids, especially those that contain magnesium
Digitalis glycosides, such as digoxin and digitoxin
Thiazide diuretics
Mineral oil
When taking vitamin D supplements, don't use magnesium, phosphorus, or calcium unless your healthcare provider says to.
Because vitamin D is fat soluble, it's best to take vitamin D supplements with food that has some fat in it for enhanced absorption.